Experimental Advanced Enamelling

Friday afternoons | 1:00 – 4:00pm | commencing 7 February | 18 weeks
Total: $ 1255.00

Experimental Advanced Enamelling with Catherine Large introduces students who already have a sound understanding of the enamelling process to techniques such as plique à jour, making and enamelling 3-dimensional objects such as dishes, bowls and more, as well as more complex champlevé, cloisonné and basse taille techniques. Emphasis will be on kiln fired enamel and the importance of comprehensive colour testing and samples. Students will have the opportunity to experiment with form, colour and technique. There will also be an opportunity to try setting methods suitable for enamel such as tab and simple claw settings to frame completed works. This course is suitable for students with some existing skills in jewellery making and a prior experience of enamelling.

Please check the semester materials list for your class.

NB. Enrolment in this class will be unavailable four weeks after the commencement date or if the class is full.
The annual program of Semester 1 classes is online in November and Semester 2 classes are online in June.
Please notify me when new classes are open for enrolment.