2025 Art for Children Term 1 (6 -12 years)

Thursday afternoons | 3:30 – 5:30pm | commencing 6 February | 9 weeks CLASS NOW FULL
Total: $ 415.00

Art for Children Term 1 (6 – 12 years) with Berenice Anzellotti aims to encourage in children an appreciation of an aesthetic experience and personal symbolic language.  The focus this term will be mixed media. Students will produce drawings using a variety of media. Colour and design will also be explored. Students will have the opportunity to produce work/s based on their own interests and choice. Through interaction with each child, the tutors will seek to offer what would be of value to their development.

Please check the semester materials list for your class.

NB. Enrolment in this class will be unavailable four weeks after the commencement date or if the class is full.
The annual program of Semester 1 classes is online in November and Semester 2 classes are online in June.
Please notify me when new classes are open for enrolment.