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    Metcalfe Gallery

    Two Week Exhibitions in 3 Spaces

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    Visions of 8

    Group Show

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    Veraciously Voracious : : Trevor Moore

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    The Dive (detail) : : Svetlana Trefilova

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    Occlusion : : Peter Biddulph

Metcalfe Gallery

Coming Soon

25 October - 30 October 2024

Elemental : : JMGA Qld

From the materials in our hands, to the forces that shape the universe … this exhibition
invites makers to explore the theme of “Elemental”.
Jewellery-making and metalsmithing conjure the archetype of the alchemist, one who grapples with nature’s elements of earth, fire, air and water to create objects that can evoke the heaviness of stone or the lightness of air – a process of transformation.
Metal’s fluid traits make infinite forms possible, but the maker must work in partnership with elemental forces to bring visions to reality. The objects we make are imbued with physical energy and intent; traces of the processes and material interactions that were
essential for their creation remain, and are often visible. The transformation of metals into objects has meant that sometimes magical powers are conferred to them, deeming them talismanic. As well as religious or fetish objects, this applies to the symbolic
expressions of love and sentiment that jewellery often conveys. From the elementals of folklore and myth, to the hard science of the periodic table, this exhibition invites artists to explore the possibilities of materials to manifest ideas and dreams into physical form.

Coming Soon

25 October - 30 October 2024

David Parker : :

Coming Soon

25 October - 6 November 2024

Colours of Clay : : Jude Muduioa - Jennifer Nekkar - Magaly Martell - Jeanne Phillips

Jude Muduioa is a ceramic artist exploring the various possibilities of clay as a sculptural and functional medium. Jude likes to make often very large vessels as well as tiny vessels, pushing her own skill set as well as the medium itself.
Jennifer Nekker is a ceramicist working predominantly in high fire porcelain. Using wheel thrown porcelain vessels as a medium, a canvas for her intricate illustrations depicting the various landscapes of Brisbane.
Magaly Martell is a ceramic artist who deeply understands the medium and materials used in her mid-fired work. She enjoys the subtle and the bold use of colour, creating striking tonal work.

Current Exhibition

12 October - 23 October 2024

Creative Generation - Metropolitan : :

The Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art recognise and promote excellence in senior visual art education throughout Queensland state and non-state schools.

Since 1990, the program has helped raise community awareness of the degree of sophistication in concepts, diversity of technical competence, and the high standard of visual art education in Queensland secondary schools.

Recent Exhibitions

29 September - 6 October 2024

Student Exhibition 10 : : Kinyu Ink Studio

We hope that you can visit Metcalfe Gallery to view the Kinyu Ink Studio 10th Anniversary Exhibition opening on Sunday 29 September from 1 - 3pm with Live Japanese Music and Free Demonstrations. The exhibition continues until Sunday 6 October.

Recent Exhibitions

13 September - 24 September 2024

Code and Shelter : :

An Exhibition of Works by:


CODE and SHELTER presents the works of BIA artists Jessica Guivarra, Wendy Kay, Ann MacDonald and tutor Dr. Glen Skien. Through the mediums of painting, drawing collage and assemblage their works explore the codes of meaning often embedded in the landscape, in nature and within the residues of memory.

Metcalfe Gallery: SEPT: 14/24 – 2024

OPENING EVENT: Friday Sept:13 from 5.30pm.

Opening Introduction: Dr. Glen Skien

Exhibition Dates:
SEPT: 14-24 10am/4pm.

Artist Talks: SEPT: 14 & 21: from 10:30am


Brisbane Institute of Art
41 Grafton Street WINDSOR
Enquiries: glenskien7@gmail.com

30 August - 10 September 2024

Elemental : : Ceramic Arts Queensland

Queensland’s Premier Ceramic Arts Exhibition
Ceramic Arts Queensland proudly presents Elemental, its highly anticipated annual exhibition of ceramic work, at the Brisbane Institute of Art. The exhibition showcases the diversity of contemporary ceramic art practice, with sculptural work, decorative objects, jewellery, and functional ware on display. Both emerging and established artists from throughout Queensland and northern New South Wales will be represented in the exhibition.
With all the work available for purchase it presents a unique opportunity for art collectors and enthusiasts. “In the wide field of ceramics there are many directions the crafter can take. What is unique here is the bringing together of technique with the uniqueness of the individual.”, stated Dr Judy Hamilton, President, Ceramic Arts Queensland.
The exhibition officially opens on Friday 30 August 2024 at 6pm at the Metcalfe Gallery, Brisbane Institute of Art (Windsor) and will continue until Tuesday 10 September. Entry is free and all are welcome.

16 August - 26 August 2024

State of Flow : :

State of Flow is an exhibition of thought-provoking art across several media at Metcalfe Gallery, Windsor from 17 to 26 August.

Inspired works from ceramic artists, Belinda Krumm, Mike Olsen and Jude Muduioa; painter, Michelle Spencer; art jeweller, Judy Keogh; and printmaker, Angela Cowan, will be on view.

Expect a showcase of contemporary ceramic pieces, acrylic paintings, art jewellery and etchings.

The opening event is Friday, 16 August from 5:30 - 8:00 pm. An opening speech will be delivered by Dianne Peach at 6:30 pm.

The exhibition will then continue until 26th August 2024. Each day one of the artists will be available to talk in the gallery from 10 am to 4 pm

2 August - 14 August 2024

Being of Three Minds : : Barbara Penrose - Sally Cox - Nameer Davis

Generic ideas of style and character in painting are often locked boxes, my experience in showing with our little group has gradually unlocked a lot of preconceptions - making more of the feeling I'm tapping into. ( Nameer Davis)

Exhibiting work with Sally and Nameer provides an opportunity to continue a conversation we began 25 years ago which we seem not to have exhausted. Having a practice that requires a lot of time spent in one's own head, working in solitude, it's both a privilege and a challenge to be held to account as we meet along the way. (Barbara Penrose)

Friends for much longer but exhibiting for over a decade has been an ongoing conversation and has slowly shifted not only what is possible but also what is so impossible about painting. (Sally Cox)

Opening 6pm Friday 2nd August

Continues until 14 August 10am to 4pm daily

Enquiries 0402 459 759

24 May - 6 June 2024

Visions of 8 : : The Grafton Street Group

An exhibition by eight artists, who meet & paint together in support of each others individual vision and craft.
Over the years all eight have been mentored by Nameer Davis. Nameer encourages each to pursue their own way, providing honest criticism and suggestions to further each individual’s vision. His depth of knowledge has exposed the group to a better understanding of all genres of art through presentation and discussion. Each week, this core group of 8 artists paint together and use their collective knowledge to discuss, encourage and critique the current work in an open, honest and respectful way. This encouragement has enabled all to experiment and grow in their individual practice. They look forward to presenting their latest work at the ‘Visions of 8’ exhibition - Metcalfe Gallery BIA, opening Friday 24th May until 6th June 2024.

3 May - 21 May 2024

Art Work : : BIA staff & tutors

Art Work showcases work by BIA staff and tutors.
Please come by as it's going to be a very special night and we would love to see you all.


Metcalfe Gallery, located within the Brisbane Institute of Art building in Windsor, is a contemporary exhibition space that aims to present a dynamic program of exhibitions across its three gallery spaces. Central to the exhibition program is the presentation of a visual culture which honours risk, experimentation and creativity, and stimulates dialogue and debate, especially amongst the BIA audience.

Artistic Aims of Metcalfe Gallery

  1. To develop and extend critical debate about contemporary visual art and culture.
  2. To create opportunities for emerging artists, writers and curators challenging the boundaries of contemporary visual practice.
  3. To encourage and support ambitious projects by less established artists.
  4. To promote the exchange of exhibitions, ideas and practices between artists, writers, curators and a diverse audience.
  5. To introduce BIA students to art work which extends their understanding of what contemporary art can be.

How to Apply: Exhibitions

Exhibition proposals and applications are to be emailed to enquiries@brisart.org or posted to Metcalfe Gallery, PO Box 2083, Windsor 4030.


Contemporary artists working professionally in any visual arts medium are eligible to apply for exhibitions in Metcalfe Gallery art spaces. Students and artists engaged in full-time study may also apply for exhibitions.

Program Structure

Metcalfe Gallery accepts applications from individual artists, collaborations between two or more artists and artist groups, with or without a curator.

Artists/curators can make applications which are developmental in nature and involve a future body of work, or the exploration of a particular idea. To avoid misinterpretation, it is important that written material presented be especially clear and concise. If approved, an artist or curator will have the scope to develop the exhibition. In the case where an idea is approved, the basic character of the idea must remain throughout.

Artists/curators can also apply to exhibit a particular completed body of work to which only minor changes will take place. In this instance, it is expected that the work seen by the committee will be that actually proposed for the exhibition and not just an indication of it.


Please ensure that you understand the gallery rental conditions (see below). When applying for an exhibition at Metcalfe Gallery, you should include:

  1. The preferred date for the exhibition: see the 2024 and 2025 Gallery Dates tabs above
  2. Relevant visual material of the best possible quality (details and installation views).
  3. Please remember to indicate whether or not the work viewed is the work proposed for exhibition. Preferred visual materials: 12 digital images (max), a website or any other material. In the case of group exhibitions, no more than 6 images/5 minutes moving image per person. Material must be clearly labelled with the artist's name, title of work and date of execution. N.B. Safe return of improperly labelled material cannot be guaranteed. Do not send original or irreplaceable material.
  4. A synopsis for the planned exhibition. This should be a clear and concise description of the exhibition and its ideas. It should not be longer than one A4 page. It should include a discussion of themes, theoretical background and reasons for wanting to show at Metcalfe Gallery. It should make clear what the relationship is between ideas and artworks. It should also include a description of the visual appearance of the exhibition, including the number and dimensions of works and the amount of space required, how the work will be installed and details of participants. The clearer the picture applicants are able to provide, the more informed the assessment of the proposal can be.
  5. A selected up-to-date curriculum vitae abridged to no more than one A4 page. For group shows, applicants are asked to abridge biographical information to half a page per artist.
  6. If posting or bringing in applications please provide a large, stamped and self addressed envelope to ensure the return of your material. Metcalfe Gallery cannot return visual materials if a stamped, self-addressed envelope is not supplied.


Successful applicants wishing to be fully insured against fire, flood, theft, loss or damage must organise this independently.


Have you included the following?

  • Name, address, email address and contact number
  • Proposal
  • CV
  • Labelled visual material (CD, DVD)

NB. Gallery staff are not able to contact artists to seek material missing from proposals.

Gallery Plan

The Metcalfe Gallery consists of three spaces; A, B and the Foyer. If your work is to be site-specific it would be beneficial to view the space personally.

Rental cost

A TWO week show is preferred by the BIA and is recommended in order to give a range of viewers sufficient time to get to the gallery. Gallery rental for two weeks:

  • 2024 prices One (B) or Two (A) or Foyer $625: 2 spaces $1155: 3 spaces $1700 plus $50 refundable bond
  • 2025 prices One (B) or Two (A) or Foyer $665: 2 spaces $1235: 3 spaces $1815 plus $50 refundable bond

Current BIA members are entitled to a 10% discount. Longer periods can be negotiated but are not advised. NOTE : In order to be familiar with the spaces and the way the gallery is set up, it is highly recommended that artists and exhibitors visit the gallery and discuss arrangements with the gallery staff prior to booking.

Rental conditions

  1. Metcalfe Gallery opening hours:- The gallery is open Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. When renting the space week-end opening times are the responsibility of the artist. The exhibition must remain fully installed for the full duration of the advertised period.
  2. Promotion of exhibition:– It is the artist’s responsibility to promote the exhibition (i.e. printing and mailing costs). If you provide information and an image of your work, the BIA can facilitate a bulk mail out to our email list. Exhibitions in the gallery are also promoted through BIA facebook.
  3. Hanging of Work:- Works may be hung using pins nails, screws or picture hanging hooks. Plinths are available for 3D works. ONLY PENCIL MAY BE USED TO MARK THE WALLS AS A GUIDE TO HANGING. STICKY TAPE, OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF ADHESIVE ARE GENERALLY NOT ACCEPTABLE TO USE FOR HANGING WORKS - AND DEFINITELY NO SELF-ADHESIVE VELCRO IS TO BE USED (stapling the Velcro to the wall is acceptable in some circumstances).
  4. Opening Night:- Kitchen/bar facilities are available. The artist is responsible for catering and the clean up after the opening. Due to the security system, openings need to finish by 8.30pm and clean up by 9.30pm. The building must be securely locked.
  5. Sale of Work:- Labelling, signage and sales are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
  6. Clean up Procedures for Gallery:- Supplies are available for clean up from administrative staff – filler, sandpaper, paint, roller and tray.
    • Rub out any pencil marks etc.
    • Fill all holes using filler, sand back when dry and paint using roller and paint supplied.
    • Plinths need to be left in good condition.
    • Clean roller and tray in sculpture room sink at back of building.
    • Sweep or vacuum gallery floor.
    • Return all equipment to the administration staff.

Gallery Plan

The Metcalfe Gallery consists of three spaces; A, B and the Foyer. If your work is to be site-specific it would be beneficial to view the space personally.

Space Start Date Finish Date
Foyer Thursday, January 18, 2024 Wednesday, January 31, 2024
A Booked
Foyer Thursday, February 01, 2024 Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Foyer Thursday, February 15, 2024 Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Foyer Thursday, February 29, 2024 Wednesday, March 13, 2024
A Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, March 14, 2024 Wednesday, March 27, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, March 28, 2024 Wednesday, April 17, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Saturday, April 20, 2024 Wednesday, May 1, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
FoyerBooked Thursday, May 2, 2024 Wednesday, May 22, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, May 23, 2024 Friday, June 7, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Saturday, June 8, 2024 Wednesday, July 3, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, July 4, 2024 Wednesday, July 17, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Thursday, July 18, 2024 Wednesday, July 31, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, August 1, 2024 Wednesday, August 14, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, August 15, 2024 Wednesday, August 28, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, August 29, 2024 Wednesday, September 11, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, September 12, 2024 Wednesday, September 25, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, September 26, 2024 Wednesday, Octoberber 09, 2024
A Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, October 10, 2024 Wednesday, October 23, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, October 24, 2024 Wednesday, November 06, 2024
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, November 7, 2024 Wednesday, November 20, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, November 21, 2024 Saturday, December 7, 2024
A Booked
B Booked

Gallery Plan

The Metcalfe Gallery consists of three spaces; A, B and the Foyer. If your work is to be site-specific it would be beneficial to view the space personally.

Space Start Date Finish Date
Foyer Booked Thursday, January 9, 2025 Wednesday, January 22, 2025
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, January 23, 2025 Wednesday, February 19, 2025
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, February 20, 2025 Wednesday, March 5, 2025
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, March 6, 2025 Wednesday, March 26, 2025
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Thursday, March 27, 2025 Wednesday, April 9, 2025
A Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, April 10, 2025 Wednesday, June 4, 2025
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Wednesday, June 5, 2025 Wednesday, June 18, 2025
FoyerBooked Thursday, June 19, 2025 Wednesday, July 9, 2025
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Thursday, July 10, 2025 Wednesday, July 23, 2025
Foyer Thursday, July 24, 2025 Wednesday, August 6, 2025
Foyer Thursday, August 7, 2025 Wednesday, August 20, 2025
Foyer Thursday, August 21, 2025 Wednesday, September 3, 2025
Foyer Thursday, September 4, 2025 Wednesday, September 17, 2025
Foyer Thursday, September 18, 2025 Wednesday, October 1, 2025
Foyer Thursday, October 2, 2025 Wednesday, October 15, 2025
Foyer Thursday, October 16, 2025 Wednesday, October 29, 2025
Foyer Thursday, October 30, 2025 Wednesday, November 12, 2025
Foyer Booked Thursday, November 13, 2025 Wednesday, November 26, 2025
A Booked
B Booked
Foyer Booked Thursday, November 27, 2024 Wednesday, December 17, 2024
A Booked
B Booked
Results 1 - 6 of 6

6 to 17 years short courses

2024 Art for Children Term 4 (6 – 12 years)

Saturday mornings | 10:00am – 12:00pm | commencing 28 ...

Total: $ 410.00

2024 Art for Children Term 4 (6 – 12 years)

Wednesday afternoons | 3:30 – 5:30pm | commencing 2 October

Total: $ 410.00

2024 Art for Children Term 4 (6 – 12 years)

Thursday afternoons | 3:30 – 5:30pm | commencing 3 October

Total: $ 410.00

2024 Art for High School Students: Term 4 (12 - 17 years)

Saturday afternoons | 12:00pm – 3:00pm | commencing 5 ...

Total: $ 545.00

Children’s Holiday Workshop #1

Thursday 19 and Friday 20 September | 9:30am – 2:00pm | 2 ...

Total: $ 270.00

Children’s Holiday Workshop #2

Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 September | 9:30am – 2:00pm | ...

Total: $ 270.00